Free React Icons

Iconoir has you covered.

Iconoir has a React library, where we blend creativity with functionality to elevate your React projects.

Our library of free, open-source icons is designed to seamlessly integrate with your React applications, providing you with a vast array of options to enhance your UI/UX design.
Get the icons
Integrating Iconoir's React icons into your project is a breeze.

Read the documentation on how to implement Iconoir React icons, and enhance your application's aesthetics and user experience.

Why Choose Iconoir for Your React Icons?

Building Iconoir

Open-Source and Free

Dive into a world where quality meets accessibility. Iconoir offers a comprehensive set of icons, entirely free and open-source, making them a perfect fit for developers and designers alike.

Designed for React

Our icons are meticulously crafted to complement React's dynamic capabilities. Whether you're building a web app or a mobile application, our React icons are optimized for performance and scalability.

Easy Integration

With straightforward implementation, you can start using our icons in your React projects with minimal effort. Our documentation guides you through every step, ensuring a smooth integration process.

Versatile and Customizable

From minimalistic designs to more intricate illustrations, our icons cater to a wide range of styles. Plus, they're fully customizable, allowing you to tweak them to fit your specific design requirements.


Being a part of the open-source community, Iconoir thrives on collaboration and feedback. We continuously update and expand our collection based on the needs and suggestions of our users.
Get the icons
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