Our Goal

A free, complete, and open icon library.


We want to give to developers and users high-quality free icons. Hassle-free.


We’re aiming at having as much unique icons as possible.


We want to help and be part of as many projects as possible.

Become part of the project.

If you consider this library valuable for you and your projects, support Iconoir with a donation to help us sustain costs and development time.

What our friends say

Picture of Riccardo Suardi
Riccardo Suardi
Nibol CEO
In Nibol we decided to use Iconoir to speed up the design process. We want to focus on the product and let Iconoir help us with the design.
Nibol Logo
Picture of Fabrizio Rinaldi
Fabrizio Rinaldi
Mailbrew and Typefully founder
There's no shortage of icon packs, and yet I always find myself browsing iconoir. I love the style and attention to detail, and how easy it is to grab the perfect icons for my projects.
Typefully Logo
Picture of Chris Messina
Chris Messina
Entrepreneur and # inventor
It's the tiny details that determine the degree of delight your customers experience from your product. Adopting Iconoir icons will easily boost your app's delight by a factor of 10!
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Join the community and help us with your suggestions and feedback.
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Parts of this content are ©2020-2024 by individual Iconoir contributors. Content available under a MIT License.