The foundation of the naming convention in Iconoir is:
Contains one or more objects.
It's often an additional and unique element added as a secondary object (-minus, -plus, -warning).
A shape used as a container for the object (-square, -circle). If a shape is directly part of an object, it's not considered a container.
* You could notice a difference between icons such as user-minus and minus-square. The second one looks different because in this case the minus symbol is an [Object], followed by the [Container].
An optional rule is regarding icons style. Iconoir is actually offering Regular and Solid icons. With the latter, icons names end with -solid. An example here:
Exceptions apart, icons follow an object-oriented naming and should not embed actions in their names.
Icons that represent a physical action or movement can embed that action in their name.
-plus, -minus, -warning, -check, -xmark, -tag, -ban, -slash
-square, -circle
If you spot an icon that is not following any of the rules, please open a new issue on GitHub.